Who I am and all I believe is marred with just one glance into angry, steel blue eyes. He seems to control my air, my ability to breathe. He makes me crave everything I know is a sin. Pure becomes tainted and lines are blurred. It's my fault; I'm the one who isn't strong enough. I've been damaged...broken. Breck's words haunt me...'There's a consequence for every choice you make.'
I've had so many women I can't even remember over half of their names, but none of them are mine; I make damn sure of that. I take what I desire and never look back. I don't need or want anyone, ever...not until I met Emma. Those eyes bore into what's left of my soul and her touch sears me, weakens me. I want to hate her for that. She is my ruin...my sweetest hell.
Disclaimer: Intended for readers 18+ due to strong language, mature scenes, and some violence.
Title: Ash To Steele
Author: Karen-Ann Stewart
Genre: New Adult/Suspense
Release Date: February 13, 2014
Slowly, she lifts her head, her gaze meeting mine, and I rush to her side. Wanting to maim the man who did this to her, to erase her pain.
“Breck, don’t touch-” Gavin calls, but Emma slides off the bed, throwing herself into my arms before he could finish his sentence.
I pull her close, gritting my teeth at the bruises on her face and deciding that I might kill the bastard instead of just making him wish he were dead. Holding her tightly against me, I brush my lips against her forehead, afraid my hold is hurting her. The way she clings to me proves otherwise, so I tighten my arms around her slender frame, cradling her protectively. My throat is raw when I whisper in her ear, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to prevent this, Emma.”
Her head makes the slightest move against my chest. Her words are muffled against my shirt, but her lips pressed against the cotton fabric doesn’t do anything to hinder the sorrow in her voice, “It’s not your job to protect me. You shouldn’t have come.”
Gently pushing her to where I can see her beautiful eyes, I shake my head in disbelief, “Nothing in hell could have kept me from coming to you tonight, Emma.”
The agony in her eyes bleeds my soul. A small tear slides down her cheek and she goes to wipe it away, embarrassment and sorrow stripping the light that usually shines so brightly in her eyes. For that alone, the man should die. Pulling her back into my arms, I hold her as if the flow of the blood in my veins depends on her touch. When her phone died, so did I. Without her, I’m nothing. When I first realized that truth, it made me feel weak and ashamed at how strongly I need her. Now, I have no shame left. I need Emma like I need to breathe. She is my air. It’s as simple as that.
Author of New Adult Romance who doesn't shy away from writing about sensitive issues and hot heroes.
Karen-Anne Stewart has always adored reading and has now fallen in love with writing. Her written works are The Rain Trilogy: Saving Rain, Healing Rain, and After the Rain, and the newly released stand alone novel, Ash to Steele. Her debut novel, Saving Rain: The First Novel in The Rain Trilogy, was a nominee for the Book Junkie’s Choice Awards, and Saving Rain and After the Rain were nominees for the 2014 RONE Awards.
When Karen-Anne isn’t writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, hiking, and visiting new places. She fuels her addiction of creating new stories by her only other addiction, caffeine, and listening to a myriad of musical genres. Tucked away near the Blue Ridge Mountains, Karen-Anne lives with her husband, daughter, three dogs, and their cat. She plans on writing new adult romance as long as her fingers maintain dexterity.
Karen-Anne loves to connect with readers!
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Thank you for the promo post and excerpt of Breck and Emma's story in Ash to Steele. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week :)